We learn about ourselves through others. Helping them helps us grow.

20% of our efforts yield 80% of our results. By focusing on these key actions, we maximize our efficiency.

You've found my secret spot: Get ready to dive into discussions about money, health, and a few other things that keep me up at night.

I'm delighted to introduce my new online space, where I'll be sharing my passions for finance, wellness, and other topics close to my heart. Here you'll find articles, advice, and reflections based on my research and experiences. Feel free to explore the site and reach out with any questions or suggestions. I'm eager to hear your perspective and build a community of like-minded individuals.

Here's what you'll find:

  • Behavioral Finance: Fundamental concepts, common cognitive biases, how emotions influence financial decisions, and strategies for making more rational choices.

  • Investing: From the basics to long-term investing, diversification, risk management, and useful tools and resources.

  • Health: Physical and mental well-being, nutrition, physical activity, stress prevention and management.

  • About Me: Personal stories, experiences, reflections on life and goals.

My Time invested in this site.


for now